I am beyond stressed out and want to cry

My boyfriend is thinking about buying his uncles house which honestly is a nice house but they had water damage in the past and didn’t really keep up with the house so I can see that there would be some issues.

I’m now stressing cause my boyfriend is looking to buy this house and set on it. I don’t have the money to fix up everything that comes with a house honestly like if we need to remove mold, get a French drain, sumo pump, new roof etc,

I’m trying to stay calm and talk about this with my boyfriend. After all it is his decision as I’m not the one helping him buy it.

I just don’t want to wipe out all of my savings on a new roof or a new floor or flood damage repair.

I’m just overwhelmed. I don’t know that I can afford to help with all of this.

Would it make more sense if he buys the house and we can have people rent it out and just buy a newer house together? I feel like that was smart