Bleeding and line Progression Due 10/10/21 (According to LMP)


Hi everyone I’m so excited and nervous as I’m sure a lot of you are at this point..

So according to my LMP I should be 5 weeks and 1 day today however according to my ovulation (which was late) I am 4 weeks and 6 days today. Saturday (17 DPO )and Sunday (18 DPO) I had some mild cramping and brown spotting today (19 DPO) even less cramping but red spotting. My HCG urine test this morning was FINALLY as dark as the control line. I called my OB this morning and she agreed to bring me in tomorrow, there was nothing for today I was told I could wait until tomorrow or go to ER today. I think I rather go in tomorrow but I’m very anxious I’ve never found out I was pregnant this early on. First test (14 DPO) was the first I could see the line on camera but I did see a faint the day prior (13 DPO) however it’s not posted. This line progression was from 14 DPO to 19 DPO. Does this look normal?? Should I go to ER or wait and see my OB tomorrow??

TYIA Everyone