Anyone else miserable already?


Anyone else already have a really rough time? I had get 2 beta hcg tests last week because they were worried about only seeing a small sac when I went in for the ultrasound last week. And I went from 1900-2900 between Tuesday and Thursday. So they’re estimating me to be around 5 weeks or so.

I was already having a rough time with my anxiety before this pregnancy and the hormones have apparently only made that way worse. Late last week morning sickness started for me and I’ve been having trouble eating or drinking anything since. And I keep crying like all the time. I’m miserable. And this isn’t my first time dealing with pregnancy, I have 3 boys already. Each of my pregnancies was a little harder than the previous one but this one just seems insanely difficult already and it’s just starting. I feel so lonely and I hate it. Anybody else this miserable this early?