Vaccinations during pregnancy

Hey everyone! Went for my 12 week appointment today and my OB was really pushy about receiving a flu vaccination and talked about a Covid vaccination as well. I will start off by saying I am NOT against getting vaccinations that have been around for years and am current on all my vaccinations. I have had flu shots in the past but had bad reactions to them and ended up getting the flu the year I received vaccinations so haven’t gotten one for the past few years and have been perfectly healthy. I have also already had Covid and was lucky enough to have experienced mild symptoms.

I will also add I have my own business and work alone. I have little interaction with people at work and require anyone that comes in to wear a mask. My husband and I also are homebodies and live on a farm so little interaction in public places as well.

So long story short, I don’t want to receive a flu shot or the Covid vaccine. I told my doctor that and she told me to think about it. Not only does she want to give me a flu shot now, she wants to give me another one a couple weeks before I have the baby in August, which seems ridiculous considering it’s supposed to be an annual vaccination. What is everyone else’s OB saying?