Birth Story💕 long but interesting lol


Okay so i had the craziest unplanned birth story ever lol.

The day before labor i played with the shower head & orgasmed which i believe kick started everything! Later tht night me and my kids father went to dave&busters to play some arcade games and eat some food. At dinner i started having pains tht would come probably every 5-7 min. I did research and assumed they were Braxton Hicks. These were painful and lasted all night. I slept through them though. In the morning they continued and i still thought nothing of it because they weren’t coming in intervals and i had no back pain. I pooped twice (diarrhea like) and noticed my mucus plug was falling out. I read online a warm shower might ease the pain so i took one and HOLY HELLLLLLL.

Those (what i realized) were labor contractions got sooo strong and i could barely walk or move it was so painful! I had my sister rush me to the hospital and arrived around 12:30 pm. They rushed me upstairs and luckily my OB was already there! She checked me and said i was ready. I asked for an epidural and her exact words “uh uh we don’t have time for that you have to push now!” 😂 i was so scared b/c i planned to do an epidural b/c of the pain and i never planned on doing natural because i heard how bad it hurts! Needless to say tht baby came out in ONE PUSH, natural, no tears or complications.

She was born feb 6th, (due feb.15th) at 12:47 pm. 6lbs 2oz.

I’m so glad she was small because she came out so easy and it wasn’t painful pushing at all. My doctor told me if i would’ve waited any longer i would’ve been having her at home lol. It’s amazing that i realized i labored at home tht whole time & didn’t even know.

Side note: i also have an 8 year old son who’s birthday is February 6th as well! So i missed his party & all being in the hospital. But it’s amazing that 8 years later i gave birth on the same day and these siblings will be sharing a birthday! 💕

Welcome to the world Baby M💕 i love you so much!