Any pregnant women have this correct itself??

Went for an ultrasound today and was told I have very marginal placenta previa. I am 22 weeks exactly. The ultrasound tech said it can resolve itself before delivery but didn't say how frequently. I googled and it said 80-90% do but still want to hear from women who have had it and had it resolve. Please please don't tell me your horror stories or you friends/sisters/aunts whatever horror stories. We are very scared and just are trying to give ourselves some hope until our appt with our actual doctor Friday evening. We have tried for 6 years foe this baby so if you haven't had this or want to tell me how it ended badly and whatnot please I am begging you please please refrain from commenting. Not trying to control whatever but we know there can be bad with this...we just need to hear there is good too.

Update question::

Sorry staying anon because I have family on here and they will freakout and add stress if they know right now so staying hidden. Did you ladies have vaginal deliveries or did they have you do sections just incase??

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I had it at my 20 week scan and by 28 weeks it had completely moved up and away from my cervix.


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Mine resolved by 28 weeks with both pregnancies


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I had previa and it resolved in 4 weeks.


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I had partial previa at my 16 and 18 week ultrasounds. I didn’t have it with my first pregnancy. I went for a 22 week ultrasound on Monday this week and it has moved out of the way! Don’t stress Mama! All will be okay! 😃