3 week old isn't napping


My 3 week old son has been awake for 8 hours...he has fallen asleep 3 times, each either at or under 10 minutes.

This has been happening for days. He has also been struggling with gas for days, is all he wants to do is breastfeed, and then he will all of the sudden pull his body in, start crying and then flail his arms and legs about.

I don't know what to do, I am alone by myself, my husband has been gone since Monday, won't be back until probably late tomorrow or early Saturday...I have no friends or family here, so it's just me and the baby. I've been living off of cereal because I can't make anything (baby won't sleep long enough), I stink because I can't shower, I hold my pee all day until I finally can't take it anymore and just let him cry so I can run and pee, and generally just losing my mind. He is attached to my boob all day long. I know constant nursing is normal, but not sleeping for hours at a time and generally being inconsolable, has anyone else experienced this? What can I do? I'm so tired and so sleep deprived.