Strong positive 8dpo on frer ??


Someone help ease my mind!! So I have gotten strong positives on 5 pregnancy tests now (frer & the equate blue dye tests) I know exactly when I ovulated because I used an ovulation kit which detected LH surge on January 29th.. had sex for the 1st time that month on the 30th. Felt “implantation cramps” on February 6th & 7th which would be 6/7 days after ovulation then took a pregnancy test on February 8th which would be 8 dpo and got a instant positive within 1 minute on a frer. Then I took another one right away with the equate blue dye test and got another positive within 1 minute. The next day (9 dpo) I took another frer & equate & got another bfp on both with darker lines and finally convinced myself i was actually pregnant. Then waited a couple days and took another frer using fmu & got a BFP with a line twice as dark. Still 2 days before my period.. I started feeling symptoms such as nausea, bloating, sore boobs, heightened sense of smell, sleepiness, & mood swings about 7 dpo which is what led me to taking a test so early. I also have been having strong cravings & been crying uncontrollably the past few days & I’m not even 4 weeks yet.. I’m just trying to figure out why I am having such strong symptoms so early & why I’m getting such strong positives this soon before my expected period. Has anyone else had similar symptoms and ended up with twins?? Or could this indicate a molar or ectopic pregnancy?? 😩