HCG Booster Shot?

Robyn • 2 angels in 2018 - Rainbow born 9/4/19 - TTC #2

My husband and I are TTC baby #2 and we did <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> on January 30th. They had me do an HCG booster shot {5000 iu} the evening of February 4th. My beta will be done the morning of February 15th, so next Monday!

That makes me 14dpt, 13dpiui, and 8ish days post booster.

I've read that it takes about 9 days for the booster shot to get out of your system/HCG has a half life of 24 hours, but I couldn't help myself and took a test this morning.

Could this still be this booster shot or am I seriously pregnant?