I had a dream I got a positive test


I know dreams don't mean anything, but I woke up a bit disappointed. I'm 26 and in grad school and my husband and I are not TTC.

However, I want a baby so bad at the moment. I've had this feeling for months that it's just time to try. I temp and use OPKs to avoid pregnancy, since coming off the pill 3 weeks ago and I would never purposely try to get pregnant without my husband's consent, but it just makes me a little down.

My logic is that if I can talk to him soon ish we can start trying this summer and hopefully I will become pregnant during my last year of grad school and by the time I start working (I will be a music professor at a college) I will have a baby. I want to be done having kids by the time I'm 30. Not one of those mom's in academia, no offense, who starts having kids at 35.