

Ok, hear me out. I’m currently almost 6 weeks pregnant with my second! (Yay! 🎉) I have a daughter who turns 2 in March. My in laws are just different. They can be very manipulative and controlling. When my daughter was born, (I delivered her by C-Section) hubby’s parents randomly showed up to our hospital room unannounced (literally hours after the surgery) I was so upset cause we were exhausted, my boobs were out cause I was trying to figure out how to breastfeed, my freaking catheder was still in and they just sat down like it was a freaking party. They came again to the hospital the day we were checking out and get this... my mother in law took my daughters going home outfit and started changing her into it when i didn’t ask her to help and I was standing right there trying to do it myself. I literally looked at my husband and threw my hands up in the air cause I was so mad. Thankfully he told his mom to stop. THEN, they followed us home and was there the moment when we brought her home for the first time. So now when I think back to that moment, THEIR FACES are in my mind... 😠

ANYWAYS, moral of the story is I am already trying to plan out how we are going to NOT let that happen with the next baby. They would totally try to show up and be there the first time my daughter meets her little brother or sister and I am NOT for that. I want to remember that moment just us 4. How do you think I should deal with this so it doesn’t happen again? I’m planning on sending them a text before we deliver this next baby (I’m planning for a second c-section) and explaining to them to please not show up unannounced to either the hospital or our home and that we’ll let THEM know when a good time would be. They used the excuse when they wanted to see us a THIRD time in the hospital that “this is a special time for us too...” 🙄 #salty.