First period after ectopic pregnancy



So i naturally passed my ectopic on 14th Jan. scan prior to that showed i was 7 weeks 4 days.

I’m in the process of having my first period since the passing. Its the worst pain ever and the clots are so many. I’ve never seen so many clots before. Its like its happening all over again.

I can barely eat, I’m nauseous from the pain. The pain isnt localised on one side like the passing. This is more in the middle. I’m popping pain meds like skittles just to keep it at bay.

Has anyone gone thru this and is it normal or should i go to the emergency for a check up?

I don’t normally have painful periods. If i do it nothing a neurofen cant fix.

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Posted at
Hope you’re well, can you explain to me how they confirmed an ectopic pregnancy for you ? I’m been waiting 2 weeks and they still don’t know if I’m having an ectopic pregnancy. But yes if your pain is that bad, you should definitely go in and make sure everything is okay especially if you are in a lot of pain !


Brooke • Feb 13, 2021
I would definitely go back to the doctors, especially if this happened in December and everything has passed. I’m currently in a confusing set at the moment. I tested positive on the 27th of January, 5 weeks pregnant. Doctor sent me for an early ultrasound and they couldn’t see anything that Saturday I ended up in hospital with cramping ( no bleeding ) hcg level went down. But now they are going back up 😴 have to get blood test every 48 hours to see levels and still rising. Have another ultrasound on Monday. I honestly don’t know what is happening and neither do the doctors. Do you have any thoughts ??


Jenny • Feb 13, 2021
Hi i had positive urine and blood tests in December. We thought yay great xmas pressies. I told my doc about the pain that i had on my right lower side. She sent me for an ultrasound which showed it in my tube. I had blood test every week - 2 weeks as my hcg levels were declining. Since they were declining they said i would pass it naturally in which i did. The only difference between now and and when i passed it is the feeling of having to “bare down”. If u get what i mean. This time i dont have that feeling its just pain centrally located and lots of clots.