Just a little rant.

The reason I avoid this group on this app is because no one is ever talking about SAHM stuff. Being a SAHM means you stay home and take care of your kids and the household. That’s your job. Maybe you have a small side hustle, and that’s cool. But every time I look in this group, it’s just moms trying to find jobs they can do from home. That’s called being a work from home mom. Not a SAHM. I can’t relate to that. Being a SAHM is a job. If you are using this group just to find a way to earn income, you aren’t being a SAHM at all. 🤦‍♀️

And for the record, I take no issue with moms who want to work from home, but I just don’t think this is the appropriate group for it. It looks like a freaking Craigslist listing in this group most of the time.