Should I ask my boyfriend if he’s addicted to porn? (Please read)

My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 years, we are 22. We haven’t had intercourse in over a year but he occasionally wants a blowjob. He always had erectile dysfunction issues because he’s on several antidepressants and I gained a lot of weight so I thought that was to blame. Well two weeks ago I had to use his phone for something with his permission and I noticed my boyfriend saved about 10 porn pictures to his phone of naked women/pornstars spreading their private parts. This really hurt me because we haven’t been having sex. I asked him about it and he said it’s because men are visual and he wants to see me naked, but I always wanted to do lights off so he can’t stay hard like that. He says he usually doesn’t save it to his phone. Well yesterday I was at his house and he told me he had to go poop. He always says he has to poop several times a day and after seeing the porn pictures on his phone, I got suspicious. When he came back in the room awhile later, I went on his phone when he left the room and went into his photos. In his hidden folder and recently deleted, he had saved like 10 pictures of a porn star photoshoot in his hidden folder and 10 in his recently deleted, and all of the pictures said they were saved to photos today at the same exact time he told me he was pooping. Meaning he wasn’t pooping, he was looking at porn. He has an addictive personality and now I’m wondering if he’s addicted to porn and that’s why we aren’t having sex. I want to confront him about this but I feel guilty for looking through his phone pictures, especially in the hidden/recently deleted. Should I ask him? If yes how do I go about it?

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