Everything works out in the end right?

I'm super super stressed and frustrated and can't get myself to think positive right now I have 2 kids and am having our 3rd in a few weeks. We live in an old trailer home and are working on moving but there's not much available around here so we've been searching. Last night the furnace stopped working properly and in the middle of the night a pipe burst. We have heat tape on the main pipe and the water slightly running all night to prevent this happening and it still did. We don't have a lot in savings but we have some and now we're likely going to drain it getting the water fixed and I'm just so frustrated and stressed out. We've had a lot of had things happen in the past year and I just feel like it's never going to end. 😩 I'm very grateful we have a home at all and we're safe and warm and have food on the table I'm just so stressed and frustrated.