Engorgement or clogged ducts?!


I’m just about 2 weeks into breastfeeding and for the past like 5 days both of my breasts are very swollen, painful, and I feel those hard lumps randomly throughout each one. I’m nursing every 2 hours (my baby falls asleep at the breast after 10 min so I’m doing shorter sessions..). I don’t feel much relief after I nurse. I’m doing warm compresses, massaging, etc. nothing seems to help. I’m now trying to pump just once a day in the morning to see if that provides some sort of relief. I’m reading mixed things online - it sounds like blocked ducts but it also sounds like engorgement. What do I do?! My breasts are just constantly tender. It’s the pain that you feel just before you get your period, but a little more intense. And don’t even get me started on my nipples!! Any help, advice, or insight is welcomed.