Possible covid?

Im going to ask to be tested so dont say "just go get tested" bc im most certainly going yo try.

I say try bc here you have to have like 3 symptoms before they test you.

My son and i had covid in Oct. 2020.

We were told we had 3 months of a kind of immunity. So we're in February now...he just turned 1 btw...and we're no longer "in the clear"

I am 32 weeks pregnant and i had awful chest pains for days to the poing i was crying bc it just got worse and my doctor wasnt concerned at the time i mentioned it but said if it got worse to go to the ER. Well, i had absolutely no one willing to take me to the ER. They said it was my anxiety and i would be okay...but the issue to me was it was getting worse and my anxiety was fine. My sons father wouldnt take me and wouldnt watch him when i decided to take myself. I felt scared bc my lefy arm was also hurting but i needed answers so i went. I begged him to watch our son due to the germs in the hospital but he refused. So anyhow, i went and took my son.

I got checked in and my old bus driver was there and she looked awful. They checked her in after me and set her right next to me.

Closer than 6 feet...id say roughly 3ft apart if even. It was a chair away.

I went on the 6th...todays the 16th ..theres a facebook post getting shared aski g for prayers as shes in the hospital where the most extreme situatitional patients go bc shes like 70 or 80 yo and tested postive on Tuesday (the 9th) for Covid-19....so 3 days after kinda being in close contact (waited next to one another for a minimum 30 minutes) she tests positive.

Now being pregnant i have crazy symptoms as is... && now im worried that how ive been feeling lately coukd be covid.

Do you think i could catch it that fast?