Selfish/Lazy Fiancé

This morning I let him know that he is in charge of dinner tonight because he hasn’t cooked in months. He said he doesn’t think it’s fair that he has to find a recipe and cook 🙄. He acts helpless when I’m around so I will do it for him but fuck what can he do?? He’s making tacos and has asked me for help at least 5 times so far. He never does anything around the house and if he does you’d better believe he did it half assed.

Laundry: he’ll wash... forget to put it in the dryer, but he will not fold.

Bathroom: hasn’t touched it since I moved in.

Bedroom: won’t touch it.

Kitchen: he plays the worst game of Tetris, to fit approximately 6 dishes into the dish washer and leave the rest for me, doesn’t clean the counter, or the sink. Won’t sweep or anything.

Living room: nope

I work 40+ hours a week. He works 20+ to go to school full time and in light of Covid-19 he spends 80% of his time... you guessed it... at home.

His pros outweigh his cons for the most part and I know I’m not perfect either but the stress he’s putting on me is too much and he freaks out at the slightest hint of inconvenience.

We have established that we never want kids, but the responsibility he’s putting on me is making me want to run. I feel like I have a child.

Am I just expecting too much?

Is there hope on the other side?

Are they all like this?