my boyfriend hit me

So me an my boyfriend went to a party got really drunk. I for some reason started didn’t want to get in the car when we were leaving my boyfriend and his dad were trying to get me in the car but i refused. Finally they get me in the car. I remember telling my boyfriend i want to get out of the car. I need to breathe. When he got to a stop sign i got out started walking down the street. He drove off but then came back after a couple of minutes. Next thing i know he back handed me and put me in the car. I was crying screaming cause he was driving too fast and it was freaking me out i called my mom. She was scared that i was dying because i was screaming stop stop and she didn’t know what was going on. My mom finally calmed me and my boyfriend down cause he was saying some mean things and was really angry. We get back to my house my mom takes me inside I’m drunk drunk like talking nonsense and telling all the beans. My mom kicks my boyfriend out. Now three days later my boyfriend texts me confessing his love for me. Trying to win me back. I know he should’ve never hit me. I know this. He does too because he’s telling me he wants be with me and she so terrible sorry and he’s crying on the phone with me. (He never cries unless it’s about his kid) he vowed to me he’d never lay a finger on me. He said he’s going to stop drinking. He’s going to start bettering himself. I believe him but my mom doesn’t. My moms so mad at him it’s not even funny. He’s called her. Texted her and she won’t budge. I just want to know if someone did stay with their boyfriend after he hit them and did he ever do it again? I just don’t want to be hurt again and i told him i have to see that he changes. I need to see that. I need to see him working on himself.