No. You are not “ready.”

I’ve wanted to scream this forever - confession/truth.

No to anyone in their teens TTC. You are not an adult. You are not financially stable. You are not ready for a child. If a doctor tells you that it’s because it’s true. I get circumstances happen (ie: assault) and that is by no means what I am calling out. I’m talking 16-19 year olds actively TTC and having multiple children. I am not bitter - I am worried about kids having kids and those babies coming into the world being raised by an irresponsible basically child themselves! Babies are not just cute insta story pictures or dress up dolls. Having multiple baby daddies and living on child support is not a life for you or a baby. Don’t freaking bring a child into the world you aren’t ready for. Don’t be a selfish know-it-all because you don’t want to listen to mommy and daddy anymore and think you’re independent and smarter than anyone else.