Done with pregnancy

Anyone else so fed up with being pregnant now? I don’t mean to sound ungrateful and I know there are plenty of women who struggle to even get pregnant this post is not meant to be insensitive towards anyone. I’m 36 weeks and have the worst acid reflux ever it won’t go away I’ve tried going on walks, eating smaller regularly meals and heartburn and acid reflux tablets nothing is working !! I also wake up during the night feeling like I want to puke and it continues through out the day I seem to get no release from this and it’s making me so miserable 😭 I also don’t understand why I am getting this as this is my second pregnancy I never experienced this with my first and I know this baby is now engaged as I had a scan a couple of weeks ago and the ultrasound tech said “ohhh baby is right down there isn’t he ?” And chuckled. I have been getting the worse pelvic pressure also sometimes when I’m on the toilet I feel like the baby is just going to fall out ! So why the acid reflux of hes that low down ? Sorry to drone on just feel so down atm I’m happy baby is healthy and growing well but I just want my body back now anyone else going through this or can relate ?