Am I being childish about my boyfriend watching porn?

My boyfriend likes to look at porn a LOT (he’ll even be in class and looking at it) I asked him why he likes porn so much (i feel like he likes it more than a regular guy) idk if he’s addicted to “beating it” because before me he used to jerk off A LOT but I asked him and he always given me different answers but last he said he likes looking at different body types.

I don’t mind him watching porn but I start to feel insecure that I don’t look like these girls or I’m not going to meet his expectation of what sex is (still virgins/long distance)

I kinda get upset, which ruins our mood together because I feel bad about myself. But I know for a fact he can’t live without it because he’ll just do it behind my back anyway.

Is there a way to get out of feeling like this? And just being ok about and telling myself it’s JUST porn?? Nothing more to it??

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