I am emotionally wrecked..

I cant eat, I can't sleep, I can't stand to be around anyone right now.. more specifically.. I hate to say it but my mother. She is doesn't understand losing a child.. it is extremely fresh loss and all she can talk about is house she is going to by and the problems with each one she doesn't like. She brushed my miscarriage off as it's God's plan, at least you can get pregnant, I don't see why you are so upset when it wasn't like he was born yet.. she told every single family member. She told them all to not speak to me... I feel like I am dying from the inside out.

I don't want to want to answer the phone. The only person, my dad, who did taking any interest in my well being turns it back on him self in an instance "I am so hurt too, you need me in your life right now..." when he hasn't been involved in my life for 8+ years.. he hasn't even met my husband let alone made time to see me when I go visit his area..

The only person who can understand is my husband. But I really don't want to be so far gone that I can't help him with hos emotional needs too. We both are hurting and I am trying my best to help with his grief too.. i love him so much I want to do what I can for both of us. But I think everyone else is making it much harder on me. What do I do..