
Af showed 😑👎🏽 we’re not pregnant this time around but it’s cool. We’re not giving up! ✨🤍 God is a virtue and I believe he’ll know when the time is right.. sending my thoughts and prayers to all women TTC 🙏🏽😇

We’re going to try cycle #2 🤞🏽❓ I know this journey can be hard and tough sometimes but we gotta keep positive and staying strong 💪🏽😊 even when your feeling down and alone...go to your partner or significant other and talk to them! It’ll help your relationship grow stronger. You need to have someone to be encouraging and have that reassurance.. if they’re understanding then you know there’s hope! Send all you out there TTC sticky baby dust!! Wishing you all a healthy and safe pregnancy 💌👼🏽