Baby won’t get back to breastfeeding


Hi ladies,

So I’m one of those mothers who keeps going back and forth with breast feeding. One week I’m doing great and the next week it all goes downhill and suddenly I’ve switched to formula and stopped pumping. Then I feel terrible seeing my baby not getting mommy milk. So here I am back to breastfeeding. So my baby obviously prefers the bottle because it’s much easier for both of us, but I don’t want to completely cut him off of my breast milk. He hates when I give him my breast (he literally turns his head away and covers his mouth with his hands lol). I have been struggling to get him back to breastfeeding, but eventually he accepted my right breast but ONLY when he’s completely starving. Then he got better at it so whenever I got the breast out he would suck. My left breast is inverted so it’s a whole struggle. But the only time he would accept it is if I let him starv for a minute so he can take it and suck hard. Then there are days when he would rather starve until I give up and give him formula but he would not take my breasts. It’s just too much. I’m not sure what to do anymore. I tried to pump and feed him from the bottle but I’ve only been getting not more than an ounce on each breast and sometimes less. Mommas help me out!!