Are you/can you still have sex?

27 weeks now and sex is a big no no no. 3rd baby for us.

I was very very in the mood in the first trimester, 2nd trimester was much less in the mood but still had the energy but now at 27 weeks, I’m done.

Last night was our 6 year anniversary and I tried to give him sex because I know how much he’s been wanting to be loved lmao

But it was the worst sex I ever had

As soon as I started getting in the mood I started breaking out in sweats, my heart beat was racing I started feeling like my body is burning (not in a good way)

I ignored that feeling and let him do his thing.

After he was done I rolled out of bed and put my face in the fan.

I didn’t even cum not did I have the energy to.

Not to mention afterwards i got very very sore and still am.

Good thing tho, he actually finally understood why I don’t want to have sex lmao

Even tho he had his pleasure he knew it was really uncomfortable for me esp now .

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