Partner testing: did you ask your partner to have a semen analysis before or after you did your own testing?

kay lee • TTC 🌈👶

I am probably overthinking everything, because that is what i do best; but keep in mind, i am not blaming my husband in anyway, i just want answers.

My husband and i have been TTC for a few months, and consistently not successful. I spoke with my PCP at my annual well visit and she said that there’s no need to be concerned until we’ve been TTC for 12 months (i’m 32), and then we would start with a semen analysis because it’s easier to get done rather than the testing women get. So i mentioned this to my husband and he’s on board but not fully. I don’t want to wait until it’s been 12 months because of the additional 3 months it takes for sperm to correct after adjustments. My husband has been on prozac for years for seasonal depression, adderall since he was 7, smoked marijuana on the reg (like breakfast, lunch, after dinner) and enjoys a few beers a few nights a week.

I am one of 7 kids through 6 pregnancies, my mom is one of 7 from 7 pregnancies. He is one of 2 from 2 pregnancies and doesn’t know if his parents had difficulty conceiving. My parents had difficulty NOT conceiving.

Am i being nuts? Am i jumping the gun? Anyone else in a similar situation or been there? If you’ve been there, how did you go about it?

ETA: i am fully willing to do the testing myself; that is certainly the plan if we don’t conceive. he is too, and he is the one that has been begging for kids for 4+ years while i was still working on my career. i am a planner, and do nothing halfway, so while i eat healthy, exercise, take vitamins, pee on opks, avoid alcohol and caffeine, i am asking him to take a step to see if he should be cutting back on his marijuana and alcohol (which he is willing to do if we find a need for it)