3 days late i have a neg digital test

I honestly forget when I ovulated and lost the paper I wrote it down (I'm the brightest) but it was either feb 1st or feb 8th I ovulated.

My cd range from 29 days to 36 days. And my periods always being 7 days long.

I am currently on cd 39! I took a digital test this morning and was negative. I also had a pink dye strip say negative a few days ago. I think it was cd 34 or 35.

Im having no period symptoms I usually have but I have been super emotional.

Not sure if this matters but my cervix is also still high and has been getting softer.

Now thinking my ovulation might have been around feb 1st cause I have egg white cm around that time, and slowly got watery. Its now less watery (not sticky or slimy) and I will have white discharge (basically in small chunks) near the cervix.