Early gender result frustration


I guess I’m just not meant to find out what the gender is early. I ordered sneak peek at 6 weeks, took it at 8 weeks 3 days following all precautions to a T. Results came back in inconclusive. They sent me a free retest kit and by the time that got here I was 10 weeks. Those results came back inconclusive too!!!! They didn’t give me the option to get another test they just refunded my money. I read up on what could cause faulty results and decided to try again. This time around I bought the fast track kit where the whole process only takes 72 hours instead of 5-7 days. I kid you not, my test got lost in the mail... I’m still waiting!!!! At this point I would definitely not recommend sneak peek to anyone. 🤦🏼‍♀️