Advice about HCG and telling family?

T 🌻

Okay so - got a dye stealer pregnancy test this past Thursday, the 18th (woo!!) and today, the 22nd, I got it confirmed with bloodwork. HCG level was 6,071, and I'm almost 6 weeks if I'm counting correctly (some apps say 5w+4d and some say 5w+6d). Is this "normal" or okay for that timeframe??

Also, we really wanted to wait until the end if the first trimester to make sure everything would be alright but we've run into a situation where we feel like we kind of have to tell his parents and it sounds silly over text lol We see them twice a week for laundry and we are pretty close. I was supposed to have pulmonary lung function tests this week for possible asthma issues but my doctor said to cancel them bc of pregnancy. Now we have to tell them I won't be going to these tests and they'll be like what?? We don't want to lie/don't have a good lie to tell them lol. So should we bite the bullet and say something? I haven't even had an ultrasound or appointment or anything. Just the confirmed bloodtest. Lol

I'm of course terrified of something happening since its early and I had a chemical last month but...yeah. Thanks for the advice!