Why can't it finally be..


We've been trying for almost 2 years, I've been told I'm ovulating & he's healthy.. yet here we are no fukn baby. We've done everything from, pre-seed, wedged pillow, legs up, sitting still for 20 minutes, different positions for deeper penetration, he's taking selenium, OPKs, hell we've even done the Geritol. Nothing & yet every one else who's been trying for like a month is getting a BFP! Like I'm getting fukn angry again just seeing bellies 😭 We can't afford <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> & no insurance that's with in price covers it. No doctor I've gone to seems to want to give clomid either, like just writing this is😢 IDK what else to do. I just had to stop taking prenatals & doing OPKs. I mean for what🙄 it's not like anything is going to happen if I do.