Hubby Appreciation Post ❤️


Soooo I’ve always felt thankful for a happy and healthy relationship with my hubs, but sometimes the little things just count an extra lot.

Like lots of mommas - I’ve been struggling with juggling everything lately. I am a teacher and have been working remotely from home since October. However, my 2yo sons daycare shut down in November. So he’s been home with me full time while I’m also working a full time job and battling all those fun pregnancy things. It’s been a lot to say the least.

My hubs always does everything he can to relieve some of the pressure and make things easier for me. But today was especially hard. My son was having what can best be described as a “terrible twos” day... screaming through my lessons all day and just a hair trigger. Didn’t nap. Tantrum after tantrum. When hubby came home I was almost in tears.

He plunked me on the couch and took care of everything tonight. Dealt with our child, made dinner for us, cleaned up the kitchen afterwards and did all of our barn chores (we also have a horse farm).

I just love him ❤️ the end!