Formula overload

Ellen • Married to the love of my life 💞 Baby boy born 9/30/20 💙 Baby girl due 2/2022 💗

My baby is going to be five months at the end of the month and he is on a drinking the bottle kick. Normally, he drinks about 5-7 ounces each feed (depends on how hungry he is and he sometimes falls asleep during the feed for naps/bedtime). Since Friday we have gone through the 23 ounce can of formula. He will drink at least 5-7 ounces and an hour later want 5-7 more. He is getting so hard to settle at night too bc he just wants a bottle 😅

At his 4m appointment his pediatrician didn’t suggest starting baby food or anything but do you think my baby is ready?? I’m considering calling the children’s clinic tomorrow and asking 😣 that’s just so much formula IMO - usually we go through maybe one thing of formula and maybe half of another and that’s it.