Am i really that big??? Lol

Anyone else 32 weeks and people think you’re gonna deliver any day??😒 literally I go to the grocery store and people make comments thinking I’m gonna deliver tmrw and I’m due April 16th. Even a lady said “wow that’s gonna hurt” like no shit... things you DONT say to a pregnant women 🤷‍♀️

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Posted at
An older lady at the grocery store asked when I was due the other day. I said in 2 months. She said oh wow I thought you’d say any day now!...I mean thanks lady. She meant well. Fortunately I’ve developed some thicker skin the past few years


A • Feb 23, 2021
But Not to much longer till baby boy is here! He’s actually measuring on the bigger side but I wouldn’t tell a pregnant women “oh wow your HUGE”😂 like wtf thanks


A • Feb 23, 2021
I have been laughing it all off but there’s ones that are just so damn annoying and the facial expressions with them. I’m like okay now this is getting to the point where it’s pissing me off lol


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Just yesterday a lady asked me when I was due I said April 6th. She was like wow you look great. I wish more people were like her lol


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Absolutely the same. I’m 33 weeks and get the same comments all the time, delivery people or shop workers etc. I did show pretty early. By 12 weeks I had a full on bump. I got some news scales for xmas and weighed myself and weight myself recently 8 weeks in between and only put on 4lb but have definitely got bigger. It’s weird. I have put on about 2 stone overall but most was in first 25 weeks. We all show and grow at different rates, as long as babies are healthy thats all that matters x


A • Feb 23, 2021
That’s true! all bumps are beautiful❤️ my son is measuring on the bigger side he’s in the 94th percentile gonna be a chunky butt for sure lol


Posted at
Its so annoying isn't it! It makes me angry 😒 I was at a play group with my son and another mum there was expecting her 3rd (im expectingmy 2nd), and they asked how long i had and how long she had, she was like half the size of me, and I said I had another 9 weeks, and she had another 5...they all just looked at me all judgy 😒 then the check out ladies always have to have their say..."oh wow, that's going to be a big baby, you look full term now" yes, I have a big belly, don't need your comments though! So annoying.


A • Feb 23, 2021
Right! It’s just rude as hell to me and I’m not gonna be nice anymore about it. What in people’s heads think it’s okay to make comments about how big a pregnant woman is?? I will never understand.


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I intentionally wear clothes that don't accentuate my belly because I would rather look bigger and be more comfortable than answer dumb questions from strangers. Sometimes when you are pregnant with #4 it just be like that.


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You're not the only one. I get super offended when people say YOU'RE HUGE! This is my 2nd pregnancy, and of course your first you're much tinier compared to the first! I feel like a 🐋 I'm not even kidding


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Same!! My due date it also April 16th and I look and feel like I could pop any day now 😅


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I’m also 32 weeks and the same thing happens to me! Everybody says there’s no way he’s waiting that long to come out cause I look like I’m ready to pop. I’m so sick of hearing it!