Is this concerning?

Im probably going to get a lot of judgement saying “mind your own business”’ BUT....I’m only concerned because of my boyfriends intentions/ examples he’s setting to his little brothers.

I am not going to “snitch” on him but I feel bad...

My bf is 26...his youngest brother is 15. They hang out 24/7! The little one is attached to my bf. They are always grabbing food, taking the dogs for a walk, shopping...etc! I’ve seen stuff I don’t like. 🙄

I was in the car with my bf and his little brother in the back seat. We stop by a liquor store because his little brother wanted chips. My bf comes out with 2 little vodka bottles. They’re the tiny ones! He chugs them like it was some tequila shot. I’m looking at him like ??? HE TAKES OFF DRIVING!!!! He hands over his weed pipe and offers his little brother a “hit” my bf says his brother gets curios and just wants to see how he acts high. 😰 Im literally watching his little brother smoking .... I tell my bf “why would you give weed to your little brother? You should be setting a better example. Smoking and driving? Wtf!”

My bf gets so mad saying all high schoolers do it now and I should mind my own business becaus I’m not their mother. He speeds on a boulevard driving 60 mph bc he’s mad. The speed limit is 40! His little brother says “he’s always drinking nothing will happen” We get home and I leave angry.

Just right now, my bf’s sister and mom invited me for some brunch and they both make a comment “I hate when (little brother) hangs out with (my bf) they always act strange and I’m scared for him”

I just looked at them pretending like I don’t know. If my bf is drinking and driving I feel like they should know?

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