Need help to know if it was misscarigage or early peirod


So last week at 7 and 8dpo I had faint positive pregnancy test Thursday night I had sharp sharp stomach pain and bleeding starting light then it got so heavy where I’d go through a tampon and pad with clots. It’s still kinda coming but slowing down but I’m confused if it was a miscarriage how it made my period come so early 5 days before expected. Have very achy legs next day, chills, very hot face, and and back pain. I’ve never gotten that pain before period in my life. It also usually stops at 3 days then the 4th day very light it’s been heavy for day 5 now. But took some ovulation test and yesterday was light and today’s way darker and it says I’ll ovulate in about a week usually after period for me it’s about 2 weeks.