Dilated tubes/tubal factor


A few months ago I had a HSG done that was ordered by my obgyn. I was told it looked good and fluid came out of both tubes. Bloodwork was normal and I tried Clomid for 3 months for an extra boost which was unsuccessful. My husbands SA is normal.

Yesterday, I had an initial consult with my RE. She shared my HSG did not look normal and my tubes may be the problem. Although fluid came out, she said that my tubes dilated and constricted at times when fluid went through. We are doing a sonohysterogram in a couple of weeks and other testing (ultrasound, more bloodwork, antibody testing, redo SA) and then coming up with a plan. So I’m happy to have next steps but also was surprised to hear this.

Looking to hear others experiences with dilated tubes and/or tubal factor and what were your next steps and treatment plan. Thanks in advance! 💗