Help budgeting grocery bill.....

Lynn 🤪

I really need to figure out how to freaking budget out grocery bill. Honestly I never have before because my husband made really good money. I could go to the grocery store drop $300 a week on groceries and it wasn’t even a dent in financials.... but life and COVID happened he got laid off had to get a new job that barely pays the bills so now a $300 a week grocery bill isn’t something we can afford. I have tried to cut it back but I’m still pushing $200 a week. I have cut subscriptions we don’t need. I don’t where else to cut cost.... 🤦‍♀️ we can’t even afford for me to go to work because I’d basically just be working to pay for childcare. But dang all these snacks for the kids add up! And all the lunch stuff to pack my husbands lunches everyday really racks up the grocery bill..... How do you budget your grocery bills? Help me please!! 😭

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Posted at
if you have medical assistance for you or the children you automatically apply for wic you just need to show them your insurance card


B • Feb 23, 2021
yes, not sure about your state exactly i’m in MD and at 6 mo we got 7cans of formula and 32 4oz jars of baby food , 24 oz of infant cereals.


Lynn 🤪 • Feb 23, 2021
Yes we do get WIC and it does help a little which I’m thankful for. My baby is 5 months old so I think as she gets older more real foods will be added to it.


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Definitely buy things in bulk. You can get snacks for kiddos at Sam’s or Costco. Each box is usually between $9-$11. We also buy our produce there, as our kid eats a lot of fruit. We also buy meat in bulk, including lunch meat and sliced cheese. It’s me, my husband, and a toddler. I spend about $70 at the grocery store and about $40 at Sam’s Club every week. Then we usually have at least one big Sam’s club trip each month too, and that’s about $150-$300 depending on what we need.Meal plan smart. Make things that create leftovers. Use inexpensive ingredients, and make meals that have overlapping ingredients so you get the most out of what you buy.


Posted at
Same!! I spend $250-$300 a week on groceries 😭😭


🤠 • Feb 23, 2021
I been buying bulk snacks on Amazon


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You have to work the sales at multiple stores and work the coupon systems. It’s a lot of work but can be so worth it.


Erin • Feb 23, 2021
Also meal plan. And have a very specific grocery list and do not go off list!


Erin • Feb 23, 2021
I break mine up into manageable chunks. One 1-hr grocery trip every other day instead of one loooooong grocery trip.


Lynn 🤪 • Feb 23, 2021
I just hate taking my kids all over town lol guess I just need to suck it up.


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When we were really strugging we shopped at a dollar store that was kind of like a mini market (cant remember if it was the 99c store or the Dollar Tree). And then we would buy our meat at the grocery store. Buy things that last a while, like rice and pancake mix.


Lynn 🤪 • Feb 23, 2021
I actually forget that the dollar tree has food stuff!


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Don’t buy convenience items. The things that are more work, cost less. And try to focus more on filling meals than snacks. Dry rice, beans, oats. Download an app like flipp to shop sales especially for meats and then buy a lot and freeze them. Buy whole veggies, and don’t buy things you don’t actually need that week unless it’s on sale/better in the long run for your budget. It’s easy to just grab because you know it’ll get used eventually but it’s better for budget to plan and stay focused and on track. Meal plan. Cut out any unnecessary drinks. Buy more store brand items.


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Whenever I need to budget I always shop at save a lot or aldi both you can look up meal plans for on Pinterest get ideas and it is a lot easier to stick to a budget when shopping at!(:


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It’s time consuming and annoying but it worked for us when we were on a budget. Basically I would buy snacks/drinks/frozen food at Grocery outlet (grocery discount store if you have one near you). They were always way cheap. I would buy meat at a local grocery store because they always had bulk specials or 5 for $21. 5 packs of meat for $21. I wouldn’t buy anything else from there because it was ridiculously expensive. Then I would go to another grocery store Winco for fruits, veggies, canned stuff, pasta and mostly buy the winco brand because it was the cheapest. It’s annoying to have to go to each store but it’s cheaper in the long run.


Posted at
I’m wondering the same thing lol. My friend is super budget conscious. She will go to 3 different stores to grocery shop. Aldi for fruits and veggies, Trader Joe’s for frozen and packaged goods and then whatever store for meats. I’ve also wondered about buying snack foods in bulk at Costco or Sam’s or even Walmart. I always buy the store brand items and I’m still shocked to see a 300$ bill when I checkout 🤦🏻‍♀️


B • Feb 23, 2021
you will see you save a decent amount buying snacks in bulk at those places. i do and it’s helped greatly. i also use bulk stores for house essentials like toilet paper, paper towels, etc.


Posted at
buy in bulk things you eat a lot of like snacks for the kids, things for his lunch at places like costco, sams club, aldis, shop at the stores with best coupons and sales for that week, cut out anything that’s not really necessary (ik most things are especially with kids but just try).


B • Feb 23, 2021
also, i’d see since the pandemic and his wages are lower if you qualify for food stamps or wic. it could really help, i’m not sure if you can qualify or not it depends on his salary.