Would you watch a twilight movie remake?


Twilight came out when I was 14 and I loved the books and went faithfully to each movie premiere. I was a twihard #teamedward 😆 Now that I am 27 I totally acknowledge the ridiculousness of the entire series (I did then too a little bit I didn’t care) but recently I started reading Midnight Sun since Stephanie Meyer finally released it and now I’m thinking that a reboot could be awesome. Or maybe even a tv show? Like all new cast, all new script, wayyy better CGI... I never cared fir Stewart as Bella and we could find a way better Edward than Robert Pattinson. What do you guys think? Obviously this is hypothetical and just for fun.

Also I know this isnt necessarily controversial (or is it?) but I had no idea what group to post this in lol

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