Birth control... hit me with your best info! 🤓

MyLittleButtercup • Mama. Wife. Teacher. My girl is 4 and my little miracle dude is 2. It’s been a wild ride! 🎉🤷🏼‍♀️

I need to get on birth control bc I can’t get pregnant right now. (Traumatic and dangerous birth of my son... my body isn’t ready) My husband and I have sex pretty frequently, so we need some aid. We prefer not to use condoms, although we do sometimes. I’m apprehensive about the implants and the iud’s. Idk... the idea of a foreign body inside my....body really freaks me out. The pill hasn’t always been my friend in the past. Missing a day makes me panic and I just can’t have that added stress. I have heard the shot makes you gain weight, but idk how true that is. I just want some stories, experiences and comparisons from anyone who knows anything. I’m going to talk to my doctor on Thursday and I want to have some ideas and questions ready. So tell me... benefits of implants, iuds, shots, pills, patches, rings, and any other kind of BC.... and the downfalls of them.