
So I got the iud put in after I had my baby.

My husband and I are back to having sex so I told him if he feels the strings to let me know and I can’t get them cut shorter. They left them long for a reason. So he told me he can’t feel it.

This is we’re it becomes TMI. well he was fingering me the other day and after all was said and done I asked if he felt them and he said no. So I got a little freaked out thinking omg some how it came out. We have been having unprotected sex I’m going to get pregnant again and I’m not ready yet. So I was in the shower and decided to check my self. I felt them rite away. So I called him into the bathroom and was like how do you not feel that. He was like oh that yea I felt those.

I looked at him like wtf do you think I’ve been asking you. Smh I swear sometimes my husband drives me crazy lol.