I drive 1.5 hrs to work in the AM, 2-3 hrs coming back..


Asking for a doctors note to drive in the Carpool lane because

A. The drive is long and I am tired as heck

B. I get dizzy at times and it’s hard to focus driving

C. With Covid around some places do not open restrooms at all to anyone anymore.

So..... by using the carpool lane I’d be cutting my drive down to just 1 hour each way.

Not only that, but my beautiful baby boy technically IS another person (he’s just not in another seat, he’s sharing my seat) if he’s not a person then the law would be that a woman may abort at anytime yes?

Am I being too much for wanting a doctors note allowing me to drive in the carpool lane to minimize drive time for me and my baby? Does anyone have experience in this? My friend asked for a doc note and it worked when she got pulled over.