My husbands lack of excitement 😒


I’m 36 weeks today. This is our 3rd and final baby so I have all kinds of emotions; my last baby to carry, my last birth, last newborn & so on...

When I told my husband I was pregnant he cried happy tears... 3 times. And that’s the last time he’s shown excitement.

He never touches my belly. He never goes to appointments. I don’t really tell him to go because usually they consist of peeing in a cup and talking to the doc. Kinda pointless for him to go. But I’ve been telling him I want him to go to the ultrasound appt for a couple weeks now. Well that appt is next week and I asked him earlier if he wanted to go and he says “idk... if I’m not working”. He basically makes his own schedule. He works for his best friend so it’s not a matter of him being able to get off work.

It just really feels like he doesn’t give a shit and I’m the only one excited. It really upsets me and hurts my heart.

I’ll tell him all this but was too emotional to tell him tonight.

I just needed to vent to someone.