Regift, would this upset you


Scrolling fb I see my SIL was tagged in a gift basket. It was a gift she gave her new friend for her pregnancy and baby boy.

The issue is it is everything I had given her 6 months ago for her son my nephew. I am weeks away from delivering a baby boy.

I have regifted a few things over the years. The latest thing was brand new breastfeeding tops that were gifted to me from a best friend of mine. She didn't wear them and she gave them to me. They didn't fit. So before I did anything I asked her if I could give them to another deserving mom. I know I didn't have to ask her but I didn't feel right to take credit for such a kind gesture.

I am sure this is just pregnancy hormones just curious if this would hurt your feelings. That you were super generous and everything you gave for your nephew was given away and never used but not given back to you when you are pregnant and due?