Baby blues or postpartum depression?

Hello everyone.. I’m currently 6 days postpartum and i feel like I’m drowning. I find myself crying at least 4-5 times a day at the most random times, and i feel so trapped. I love my daughter with all my heart, but being sleep deprived and trying to adjust to this new life has me always thinking “what did i do” and i cry for hours just wishing i had my old life back. Going through this has affected my appetite, and pretty much everything above. Will this ever go away? Is this what it will be like for the rest of my life? I have a therapy appointment tomorrow, but I’m afraid that nothing will help, and will only make me feel worse. I feel so guilty asking for help from my husband because i can hardly bring myself to get out of bed and i feel like a terrible mother/spouse. I could use any support or advice :(