My Birth Story at 23+4


My story I didn't know it had already begun until after I was admitted. On Wednesday night February 17th what I thought was me peeing my self was really my water breaking at 23 weeks. Monday night and the day before I had some aches and cramps and a lot I mean a lot of discharge. I contacted my doctor and was seen on Wednesday they took samples and my cervix was closed. Wednesday night my water broke I had continued to have more aches and called my doctor I thought I just peed my self. Also my amniotic fluid looked Yellow like pee not like normal. I called my doctor Thursday morning about me peeing my self and pain. They said that could all be very normal and I should worry if I'm leaking fluid or having sever pain. Well I got home from work tried to relax on the couch and the pain got worse my hips felt like they were burning so I tried to lay in bed think it was just the couch nope. It was off to the ER at sweedish American. I told them I was 23 weeks pregnant and having sever hip pain. After waiting 5 hours I was finally called back had an ultra sound and was told I was getting sent up to OB ED (labor and delivery emergency room basically) because I had no amniotic fluid around my baby. I was admitted right away and was told I was having contractions but my cervix was closed but all the doctors and nurses thought I was going to have my baby and I could hear the doctors talking about an emergency c-section. I was give iv fluids and magnesium to help with neuro protection for baby which is also a muscle relaxation and slowed and then stopped my contractions the goal then was to be on magnesium for 48 hours and to get two steroid shots for baby's lungs before delivering we made it to Friday night and to Saturday night I got the steroid shots and knew I was coming off the magnesium Sunday morning and I could go back into labor but we were hoping I wouldn't and I could go a little longer at keeping baby in. But Sunday morning came and even right before I was taken off the magnesium I had some contractions. They stopped and I was off the magnesium and I was able to take a shower. Well by after lunch the contractions came they tried and gave me another kind of medicine that could help stop contractions but it didn't work. Things progressed pretty quickly after that. I wanted a natural birth no pain meds nothing I wanted to feel every inch of it I was also terrified that if I got a epidural I wouldn't feel baby once she came but my doctor explained to me that if I needed an emergency c-section if have to be put under if I didn't get the epidural and I didn't want that so I got the epidural and it only partially worked. Things progressed so fast that when they looked at re doing it like 20 minutes after I got it it was too late. Then about not even an hour later baby was in distress and my doctor called an emergency c-section. I was terrified I was terrified for my baby. The chance of having a baby at 23+4 is scary the chance she could die and I would be under an unable to hold her while she passed terrified me. I woke up from surgery and baby was alive and in the nicu. When i got out of OB recovery the wheeled my bed into the nicu I couldn't really see her but she moved and I seen her leg move. I was in so much pain and out of it I couldn't sit up to see her but was so thankful she was a live. The next morning I found out that she was near death when she was born at first they couldn't get her our of me and the cord was wrapped around her. They actually had my sister who was there with me gown up to hold baby because they thought she wasn't going to make it. As my sister waited out side the OR doors waiting to hold her niece as she passed they last minute got her stable. She had a rough night then the next day was okay for her. God really worked his miracle and I am so blessed it was on my daughter. If this is not proof that God is real i don't know what is. Today is day 3 and she's still here and I got to see her face for the first time they showed me how to change her diaper and I got to feed her my breast milk for the first time through a syringe and tube and even though it can't be baby to boob and im not able to hold her and do skin to skin it was a magical mommemt. Every minute is different but I am so thankful for my Elnora Rose. My 1lb 2oz baby girl born on 2-21-21 @ 8:30pm just a few days after her great grandma Susie's birthday of 2-18 the day I went into the ER and my baby's named after great grandma Susie's middle name of Elnora. ❤ I never thought I could love someone as much as I love my daughter.