Very sad

Hi mommas I have a question to ask you.

Have any of you felt like your baby isn’t as attached to you as to other family members? Like there’s not a big bind with your lo?

I feel like my lo don’t like me. I know it sounds stupid. But I feel like he’s always so happy with others and with me he’s just quiet. No matter what I do to make him laugh I have to do so much just to get a smile. My husband gets home and he so happy to see him I take him to my moms Monday through Friday cause I work and he gets all happy. I know one of the reason is that I work but I have to as a parent and living in California it’s kinda of a have too. Anyway besides telling me to do different things with him which I do. I’m always with him even to go to the store I play with him I always feed him don’t let no one else do it. I bath him I pretty much do everything with him. My husband is with him as well on the evenings but mostly I’m the one carrying him around and playing with him and I still dont feel the bind towards me. Any one else on the same boat? He is 7.5 months