
So the past few day I’ve been having random pains and just an all around uncomfortable feeling in my lower pelvic/uterus area and lower back. There’s like a constant pressure and I feel it more when I bend over or use the restroom or if there’s pressure on it (aka holding my eight month old lol).

I’ve also been having a LOT of discharge with this. It’s clear and slimy in texture. So that’s why I kinda ruled out infection at first but idk.

I’ve never had normal period cycles before or after pregnancy. Sometimes I go two, three, even four or five months at a time without a period🤷‍♀️ and sometimes it’s two or three month in a row. It’s been this way for ever.

Well if I was having a “normal” cycle according to glow I would now be about 3 weeks late.

I took two different types of pregnancy tests two weeks ago just a day or two apart and they both said negative.

Now that this new uncomfortable symptom has started I wonder if they were false or if maybe I tested too early? (I was only a couple days “late” then)

What do y’all think? Test again or just skip the test and go to the doctor? Should I ask for a blood test? (The hpt have always picked up on my pregnancies before🤷‍♀️ and I’ve never had any sort of infection or felt this uncomfortable with just ovulation..only when pregnant..)