
So I took my second trimester AFP blood test on Feb 16. I got a call yesterday from perinatal to schedule me for a sooner appointment for my ultrasound. Now normally in my mind if they push up your date something must be wrong(am I wrong for thinking that way?). They also told me my doctor will be calling me the next day to go over my results(another panic button pushed). All last night I tossed and turned. I know I was getting on my bf nerves because if he was doing it, it would get on mines. So I woke up this morning with it in my mind. I prayed last night and this morning that what ever is positive to Lord make things negative. When I finally got the call the nurse told me that my QNATAL was all negative and baby is healthy. As for my state blood test it was positive. And woman that is around my age and gets pregnant and more than likely gonna get a positive. It’s a higher chance baby could have Down syndrome, but I’m not worried. This baby is gonna be loved no matter what. I couldn’t help but cry and thank God.