
You even been a relationship where you knew it wouldn’t get better but some days are great and you think positive and see a potential future? I’m really starting to fall out of love. I’m not sure who he is anymore. Put his friends first , abusive mentally and physically & comes with more baggage then anyone can think of. I can admit I was young , & dumb . I’m 21 looking for love that was never shown to me , being grown and wanting to leave home so fast. He’s 30. I’m wasting my young adult hood being a step mom to kids who don’t respect me or acknowledge me , being with a man who doesn’t respect me , and being so miserable. Some days I’m happy , like we do travel but it’s so depressing as soon as we are home together.. I can’t say how I feel or he thinks I’m trying to start something to to cheat or something . It just all sucks . He how to work now and doesn’t even text me but now since females and his guy best friend works there we don’t even talk really , just changed up for people who don’t even give about him. I want to be someone priority , i want someone to love me and respect me and adore and cherish Me! I see my future and he’s no where apart of the picture. He’s fighting a case now for something small like driving , a part of me prays he goes and get 1 year or more to leave him .. maybe that’s mean and harsh but I pray he gets a year or more for me to move on and kick him out my life for good!!